WeNetwork “WEN” ESG Consultant Program
The goal of the consultant certification is to qualify candidates to become full or part time consultant advisors to WEN member organizations.

Member organizations are businesses, schools, non-profit, and other organizations that use the WeNetwork platform to engage their stakeholders in collaborative ESG and innovation consensus. We are particularly interested in increasing ESG participation by SMEs (Small to Medium size Enterprises), which are ~90% of the world’s businesses.

Consultants will help members gain competitive advantage to grow faster and more responsibly through value alignment and network effects with their various stakeholders, including employees, customers, local communities, investors, etc.

Course Description:
The WEN ESG Consultant Program (WECP) is designed to equip ESG enthusiasts and professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the field of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) consulting.
About WeNetwork:
WEN pioneered a new form of ESG called dESG - decentralized ESG, which allows organizations to engage their stakeholders in collaborative decision making in social and environmental policies and practices. Advantages of dESG over traditional ESG include:
  • Less reliance on standardization and regulation
  • Lower cost and complexity - creating greater accessibility for SMEs
  • Reduced green washing
  • Less controversial and therefore higher adoption potential
  • Collaborative
Whether you're looking to advance your career, become an ESG expert, or enhance your ability to guide businesses in creating a positive social and environmental impact, this program is for you. The course covers a wide range of topics related to ESG with specific focus and instruction in dESG and stakeholder participation.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this program, participants will be able to:
  1. Understand the significance of ESG and dESG in business sustainability and social responsibility
  2. Help businesses and organizations achieve competitive advantage through value alignment
  3. Develop effective and potentially marketable ESG consulting skills, including advising on ESG policies, ESG strategy development, and dESG network building
  4. Create and maintain dESG networks for businesses, and other organizations
  5. Identify and leverage ESG opportunities within various industries
  6. Become an expert in decentralized ESG methods and tools using WEN platform
Weekly Requirements for Certification:

Each candidate needs to bring 10 new members to the WeNetwork community. These can be ESG related advocates, students, thought leaders, or people within industries that relate to sustainability, environment, human rights, or other areas. This is a minimum requirement for the certification, we anticipate that candidates will be able to invite larger groups than 10 throughout the certification process.

Over the course of the certification, acquiring the first 5 client members, these can be small/medium/large businesses, non-profits, or other organizations that subscribe to the WeNetwork Platform. Your ESG consultant program administrators will mentor you for the first three client acquisitions, and be available to help you on Zoom calls. Field work, which is client recruitment, will begin after completion of module 3.

Course Outline:
Module 1
Introduction to dESG Consulting
  • The importance of ESG in business sustainability and growth
  • dESG versus ESG - a new paradigm in inclusive social and environmental decision making
  • Setting ESG consulting goals
  • How to create a robust ESG consulting practice using dESG technology
Module 2
Exploring dESG core features and functions
  • PIERS - Public Interactive ESG Roadmaps
  • Subnetworks - a Slack for sustainable growth
  • Stakeholder consensus mining
  • Decentralized governance protocols
  • Innovation Roadmaps
Module 3
Building dESG Networks
  • Creating and expanding dESG networks
  • Leveraging network opportunities for dESG initiatives
  • Networking for dESG growth
Module 4
dESG Policy and Strategy Development
  • Advising on dESG policies
  • Formulating comprehensive dESG strategies for clients
  • dESG target markets
Module 5
ESG Opportunities and Implementation
  • Industry-specific ESG opportunities and associations
  • ESG in the digital age
  • Collaborating with ESG mentors and industry leaders
Module 6
Navigating ESG Consulting Scenarios
  • Preparing for ESG consulting situations
  • Engaging with businesses to implement ESG strategies
  • Effective follow-up and maintaining ESG connections
Module 7
dESG in the field
  • Acquiring your first network clients
  • Client network expansion
  • Monetization
Assessment and Certification:
  • Tasks and assignments throughout the program
  • Final certification evaluation
  • To earn the WEN ESG Consultant Program certification, participants must successfully complete the evaluation.
Core requirements for certification:
  • Online Instruction: 9 hours a week of online instruction, for 6 weeks. 54 hours of online instruction (via Zoom) on current topics of ESG, impact investing, and decentralized corporate governance. This will include guest lectures from ESG and related thought leaders.
  • Community Building: Decentralized ESG is based on networking between organizations and their stakeholders. Consultant candidates will help build networks for businesses adopting the dESG protocol. This will include acquiring a minimum of 5 relevant new network members per week to a corporate members dESG Subnetwork, or to WENs master network. An example would be, outreaching on LinkedIn, to social/environmental advocates, potential customers, students groups, etc. and inviting them to join a Subnetwork, ESG/Innovation contest, or PIER (Public Interactive ESG Roadmap). Most interns will exceed the minimum of 5 per week and will receive additional credit for engaging large groups of new members to subnetworks on the WEN platform.
  • Field Work: Most consultant candidates will find field work, the most rewarding aspect of the program. Candidates will identify and approach local national and global businesses and other organizations to create a dESG Subnetwork and begin aligning with their stakeholders on social and environmental values. Once a candidate has become certified, will become eligible to share subscription revenues with the organizations they have successfully recruited into the WEN platform. More significant revenue streams may become available from direct consulting fees paid by the recruited organization for consultants on going management of their subnetworks on WEN.
Prerequisites: No specific prerequisites are required to enroll in this program, making it accessible to individuals at all career stages.